Urge Belize to Protect its Marine Parks from Oil and Gas Mining

  • van: Georgina B.
  • ontvanger: Dean Barrow, Prime Minister of Belize

Offshore drilling is being proposed in Belize's spectacular marine areas. Belize's Great Blue Hole, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, would be included in areas opened to oil and gas drilling under a new proposal from the government of Belize.

The government has proposed opening up most of the country's marine areas, including seven UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Belize currently has a voluntary moratorium on any such drilling.

Conservation groups have strongly opposed the plan, which could grant petroleum concessions that overlap with the Belize Barrier Reef, the second largest reef in the world.

The marine parks of Belize are too precious to be put at risk of an environmental disaster. Will you join me in urging the Belize government to protect its natural heritage from an environmental disaster and not allow mining in its marine parks? Please sign and share the petition.

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