Stop women's trafficking in Brazil's northern and in Suriname !

  • van:
  • ontvanger: The United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

In 2009, a brazilian tv news team accused a women's traffic scheme in the north of South America, particularly in Suriname, a Brazil's neighboring country. With only R$ 500.00 (around US$ 263.00, currently), you can buy a human being. It can be a teenager or until a children.

In Paramaribo, Suriname, women are brought from Brazil to work as whores. Year by year, a large number of women are deceived when traffickers promises them a good job offer. The pimps give them: plane ticket and dwelling. When they come there, they see the true reality: All money spent with these expenses are returned to the pimps. But as they have no money, they are forced to prostitute.

That's a wicked deal. They find in prostitution a only way to earn money. It's a women's commerce that moves US$ 15 millions each year. If they don't accept to do a ''sexual program'', they must to pay R$ 50.00 (US$ 26.30). If they don't accept this life, they are beaten. If they try to flee, they are murdered !!

This reality must be changed now !! You can change this reality and the time is now! Stop women's trafficking in Brazil's northern and in Suriname !

Tell UNESCO: In Paramaribo, Suriname, the Human Rights are being violated !

Thank You,

Henrique Mareze



Dear UNESCO leaders,

In 2009, a brazilian tv news team accused a women's traffic scheme in the north of South America, particularly in Suriname, a Brazil's neighboring country. With only R$ 500.00 (around US$ 263.00, currently), you can buy a human being. It can be a teenager or until a children.

In Paramaribo, Suriname, women are brought from Brazil to work as whores. Year by year, a large number of women are deceived when traffickers promises them a good job offer. The pimps give them: plane ticket and dwelling. When they come there, they see the true reality: All money spent with these expenses are returned to the pimps. But as they have no money, they are forced to prostitute.

That's a wicked deal. They find in prostitution a only way to earn money. It's a women's commerce that moves US$ 15 millions each year. If they don't accept to do a ''sexual program'', they must to pay R$ 50.00 (US$ 26.30). If they don't accept this life, they are beaten. If they try to flee, they are murdered !!

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