Save the Prairie Dogs. Alberta Development RIGHT YOUR WRONG!

We demand that Alberta Development Partners, LLC  work with WildLands Defense to develop a wildlife management plan prior to the continuation of construction. The initial work killed over 1500 members of the prairie dog colony with Aluminum Phosphide

Express your outrage at the merciless extermination  thousands of prairie dogs in the name of profit. Insist that the surviving prairie dogs are relocated in the most humane way possible to ensure their future survival. We demand Alberta atone for the needless slaughter of this community of life, by purchasing suitable prairie land within Douglas County and creating a conservancy and educational program to restore the wildlife destroyed by the poisoning and construction activities at the development site

You can read more about this situation by viewing the following articles:

And you can also get a glimpse of the prairie dogs by watching this 8 minute video:

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We're not asking for the impossible. It's been done before!

Thank you for your support!

Don Provost

Peter Cudlip

Alberta Development Partners, LLC

" data-tolerance="20" data-ellipsis="" data-height="100" data-_block="Recreate the prairie ecosystem, with appropriate prairie dog habitat and an on-site educational program to atone for the merciless slaughter of 1000+ prairie dogs in Castle Rock, Colorado" data-view-attached="true">Recreate the prairie ecosystem, with appropriate prairie dog habitat and an on-site educational program to atone for the merciless slaughter of 1000+ prairie dogs in Castle Rock, Colorado

Recreate the prairie ecosystem, with appropriate prairie dog habitat and an on-site educational program to atone for the merciless slaughter of 1000+ prairie dogs in Castle Rock, Colorado

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