Demand Federal climate action plan now

Momentum is building - now is our time to act on climate change.

Regardless of which party wins the next federal election, Australians want a climate policy in line with the science.

Call on the Australian Federal Government to implement a robust climate action plan by signing this petition today.

Australians want a clean, sustainable future powered by cheap, renewable energy from the sun and wind, and propelled by non-polluting transport and food production.

But political inaction is holding us back from a future that could be ours.

Australia's greenhouse gas pollution levels have risen for more than three years, yet we are still lacking credible policy and leadership to tackle climate change head on.

Meanwhile, Federal Government Ministers have been traversing the country, trotting out old policies that fail to address the crux of the climate problem: fossil fuels.

Take action today: sign this petition to demand that the Australian Federal Government sets out a clear, credible climate plan.

To: Scott Morrison, Angus Taylor and Melissa Price

Australians demand a robust climate policy, in line with the science of climate change.

I call upon the Australian Federal Government to urgently implement a credible climate action plan, to rapidly drive down greenhouse gas pollution and create a clean, sustainable Australia for present and future generations.

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