Thank Seva for Restoring Eyesight to the Blind

  • van: Care2
  • ontvanger: Seva Foundation
Every five seconds, someone in the world goes blind - with women and girls accounting for 4 out of 6 of these cases. Just as importantly, over 75 percent of blindness can be prevented or cured if communities have access to adequate eye care services.

That's where Seva Foundation comes in. Rather than sending outsiders to run programs in impoverished areas worldwide, Seva trains local people to provide care to their own communities. In the past year alone, Seva supported programs have helped to prevent blindness in 25,000 children and restored eyesight to over 30,000 people, mostly through cataract surgery.

One doctor recalls about remote western Tibet, "There was one older woman who'd been completely blind from cataract for at least eight years... We did the surgery, and the next day when she took the patch off, she burst into tears because she could see her grandchildren for the first time."
Add your voice to a chorus of others and say "Thank You!" to Seva Foundation for their amazing work to help people recover - and keep - the gift of sight!
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