Protect American soldiers and innocent civilians from landmines!

Across the globe, deadly landmines and other explosives put U.S. servicemembers and innocent men, women, and children at risk. We must act to save lives!

US-funded humanitarian demining programs remove harmful explosive hazards before they can kill innocent civilians from Colombia to Ukraine. However, these programs are about more than just making it safe for kids to walk to school in war torn countries. These programs remove landmines from countries where U.S. soldiers are stationed. Removing landmines helps advance our security, protect US servicemembers, and reduce refugee flows by making it safe for civilians to return home.

Urge your Members of Congress to support demining programs and help keep Americans safe!
Dear Senator/Representative,

As your constituent, and a supporter of The HALO Trust, I want to urge your office to prioritize support for cost-effective global demining programs.

U.S. programs to remove improvised explosives and landmines overseas help to preserve national security, protect members of the U.S. armed forces, counter the influence of America's adversaries, and reinforce stability in countries recovering from conflict.

State Department demining programs prevent terrorist organizations and gangs from accessing explosive materials that can be used to target Americans, while removing explosive threats that have taken far too many lives of our brave service members overseas.

Please support additional resources for global landmine removal programs in this year's Congressional budget and make demining a priority. Your actions will create a safer America and help ensure our troops can come home safely.

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