Congress: Protect Women and Invest in Maternal Health

Giving birth should be a time of joy, but for more than half a million women each year, pregnancy and childbirth end in death.

We can reverse these statistics and protect the lives and health of mothers around the world, but only if Congress takes notice and invests in vital maternal health programs.

A mother's death is particularly devastating to the children left behind, who are more apt to fall into poverty and to become the objects of exploitation. By ensuring that the majority of births are attended by doctors, nurses or midwives, that women are able to reach emergency medical care when necessary, and that everyone has access to reproductive health care and family planning services, we can drastically reduce the rates of maternal death and give mothers and children around the world the chance to grow up healthy and happy.

Take action today: Tell Congress we can't wait any longer to invest the health of mothers!
Dear [Representative],

Giving birth should be a time of joy, but for more than half a million women each year, pregnancy and childbirth end in death.

We can reverse these statistics and protect the lives and health of mothers around the world, but only if we prioritize investments in vital maternal health programs.

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Please support the health of women and mothers around the world, and support programs that provide vital access to maternal health.


[Your name]
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