Due to Climate Change, These Armadillos Are Making Their away Up North. Now, They’re Being Mercilessly Shot and Killed!

  • van: Victoria Salter
  • ontvanger: North Carolina Officials and Authorities, Jason Bullard

In North Carolina, Jason Bullard acts as an armadillo bounty hunter, cruelly killing armadillos unnecessarily, simply for acting as armadillos do, just because they have moved further north in the US, because of climate change.
People are annoyed that the armadillos are digging up their gardens (armadillos are natural diggers), so Jason is being paid to mercilessly shoot the innocent animals. Here are some points to consider about this:
* The armadillos are not causing climate change. Humans are.
* The armadillos are not the cause of rainforest destruction, or most of the pollution of the Earth, or most natural habitat destruction on Earth. Humans are.
* The armadillos are not causing war, domestic violence, animal slaughter, animal cruelty, terrorism or most of the world's other problems. Humans are. * Humans have destroyed behemoth amounts of the natural habitats of armadillos and millions of other animals. Humans have ripped up and built huge houses over what used to be the armadillo's natural homes and habitat. All the armadillos are doing is just digging a few holes on humans' lawns and in their yards.
* Except for transmitting diseases (which isn't their fault), armadillos are not dangerous to humans (except for the chance of someone getting hurt because of their holes!). Several thousand people may have died from leprosy from armadillos. In contrast, 400,000 people are murdered by humans each year. At least 801,000 people have been killed due to war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria and Pakistan. Which species is the real threat to humans?
* Humans transmitted leprosy to armadillos first. It isn't their fault that they can carry it, and it certainly isn't their fault that humans eat them and can get the disease off of them that way.
Havahart, a company that specialise in humane ways of dealing with "pest" animals, such as live traps and repellents, have an article on their website advising on how to deal with armadillos humanely. Why not follow their advice instead of killing these innocent animals?
We, the Undersigned, demand an end to the killing of armadillos in North Carolina. We insist that only humane, non-lethal methods are used to deal with these armadillos!

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