torturing animals for amusement

Urgent campaign against proposed bullfights, using calves, in Carcassonne, France. If these games are oganised bulls and calves will be tortured in a very sadistic way using long spears that cut like a razor, harpoons and swords. Not to mention the poor horses that get deeply wounded by the horns of the bulls.
The beautiful Ville of Carcassonne, south of France will have for the first time in its history a bullfight with calves on the 1st of September.
We are all aware what the consequences will be, after one, others will come, as there's a lot of money involved in this business, so we must prevent this.
We shoudn't forget the poor horses that are used during the bullfights. Common in these games is that the horses are deeply wounded by the horns of the bulls in their bellies, loosing their intestines and consequentely die.
Your signatures will be sent to the mayor of Carcassonne and the tourist board and hopefully we can stop these games from taking place! Time is short though!
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