Share a story about your rescued pet.

  • van: ASPCA
  • ontvanger: ASPCA
Did your pet come from an animal shelter? If so, the ASPCA wants to hear your "tail"! Tell us about your pet and include their photo. How has your pet enriched your life? How did rescuing a pet from a shelter make you feel?

Every day thousands of loving and adoptable cats and dogs are euthanized in animal shelters because there are simply not enough homes for them all.

The ASPCA is launching a focused effort to create a country of humane communities, one community at a time -- where animals receive compassion and respect, and where there is no more unnecessary euthanasia of adoptable animals simply because of a lack of resources or awareness.

Tell the ASPCA about your adoption experiences and include a photo of your special companion. This is fun way to spread the word about the importance of adopting pets from shelters rather than pet stores and encouraging others to do the same.


Here is my rescued pet story ...

[your story here]


[your name]
[your address]
petitie tekenen
petitie tekenen
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