Evacuate Afghani translators and personnel at risk of being executed by the Taliban!

Over 80,000 former Afghani interpreters and their families sought U.S. visas under threat of retribution from the Taliban, but only 1% of those people have been successfully evacuated thus far. At the current pace, it could take two years to evacuate the full group of Afghans who worked for US Troops. Just the initial planned group of evacuees could take two more months, which is well past the August 31st deadline to have American troops out of the country.

Taliban forces have already begun targeting these allies.

Sign here to call for the swift evacuation of all Afghani personnel in the SIV (Special Immigration Visa) pipeline!

Our leaders need to put their immediate focus and resources into the quick evacuation of all American allies at risk of execution by the Taliban. American troops are struggling to hold the Kabul airport from panic and the encroaching takeover, action must be swift to minimize how many more lives are lost. 

The US doesn't have a plan to help a vast group of those waiting for a visa to safety. Military efforts have only been successful thanks to help from local allies, and the treatment of our Afghani allies as we withdraw will set the precedent for potential allies to come. 

Add your name to demand the quick and safe evacuation of Afghani allies!

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