91 elephants are suffering and need your help

End the cycle of abuse at Amer Fort, India.

Stolen from their mothers, baby elephants are forced through a horrific training process known as "the crush." This practice involves binding an elephant inside a small cage, depriving the elephant of food and water, and repeatedly beating and shouting at them over a few days.

Once the elephant's spirit is broken, they are put to work at Amer Fort, often controlled with bullhooks that cause wounds and scarring. They are forced to carry heavy seats for tourists to ride on.

These gentle giants are forced to do this 365 days a year, for the rest of their life.

When they are not giving tourist rides, the elephants are chained inside concrete stables, unable to socialise, graze or move freely.

Sign the petition asking the Government of Rajasthan to end elephant rides and save the 91 elephants suffering at Amer Fort.

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