Remove Kevin Spreekmeester, Chief Marketing Officer for Canada Goose as a speaker at Dx3 conference

  • van: The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals
  • ontvanger: Duncan Payne; Co-Founder, President Dx3 Canada Anthony Lipkin; Partner, VP Dx3 Canada Anum Rubec; Marketing, Operations & Speaker Logistics Dx3 Canada Kevin Spreekmeester; Chief Marketing Of

The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals (The Fur-Bearers) is calling for the removal of Kevin Spreekmeester (Chief Marketing Officer of Canada Goose) as a speaker from the Dx3 conference. Mr Spreekmeester is currently set to deliver a keynote speech ironically titled “How To Leverage Advertising Without Selling Your Soul.” As someone who makes a living off of advertising the cruel trapping and killing of animals Canada Goose takes advantage of, Mr. Spreekmeester is the last person who should be advising others on advertising ethics.

Coyotes are often shot or wounded in cruel traps and then killed to make the fur trim used in Canada Goose’s jackets. Each year in Canada, over 100,000 coyotes are trapped and killed in cruel leg-hold, Conibear and snare traps. In agony and confusion, animals often break teeth and bones trying to escape.

Across Canada, trap check times vary from once every 20 hours to once every 14 days, but such laws are largely unenforceable. An animal who does not die quickly is faced with unrelenting pain and a panic-filled wait, until they are clubbed to death, suffocated, shot or strangled.

We are calling on the Dx3 conference to take a stand against animal cruelty and remove Mr. Spreekmeester as a keynote speaker.

Please learn more about the cruelty of fur and get help make fur history! #makefurhistory

The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals (The Fur-Bearers) is calling for the removal of Kevin Spreekmeester (Chief Marketing Officer of Canada Goose) as a speaker from the Dx3 conference. Mr Spreekmeester is currently set to deliver a keynote speech ironically titled “How To Leverage Advertising Without Selling Your Soul.” As someone who makes a living off of advertising the cruel trapping and killing of animals Canada Goose takes advantage of, Mr. Spreekmeester is the last person who should be advising others on advertising ethics.

Coyotes are often shot or wounded in cruel traps and then killed to make the fur trim used in Canada Goose’s jackets. Each year in Canada, over 100,000 coyotes are trapped and killed in cruel leg-hold, Conibear and snare traps. In agony and confusion, animals often break teeth and bones trying to escape.

Across Canada, trap check times vary from once every 20 hours to once every 14 days, but such laws are largely unenforceable. An animal who does not die quickly is faced with unrelenting pain and a panic-filled wait, until they are clubbed to death, suffocated, shot or strangled.

We are calling on the Dx3 conference to take a stand against animal cruelty and remove Mr. Spreekmeester as a keynote speaker.

Please learn more about the cruelty of fur and get help make fur history! #makefurhistory

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