Tell the UN - Women and Girls Deserve Equality

March 8 is International Women's Day, but every day millions of girls in the developing world are denied basic human rights like freedom from violence, economic and political independence, access to education, and even basic nutrition.

Right now, world leaders are working to finalize the next set of priorities for global development, the Sustainable Development Goals for 2015-2030.

The decisions that are made now will echo for generations to come. We can help encourage UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon to use this important opportunity to advance the rights of women and girls everywhere.

If you believe in equality, freedom, and opportunity for women and girls, please send a message to Ban-Ki Moon today calling on him to make defending the rights of women and girls a top priority.

Dear Secretary Ban Ki-moon,

I strongly support the Post-2015 Development Goal to Advance Gender Equality and Empower Women (Goal #3). Far too many around the world are denied freedom, safety, education, and opportunity because of their gender. I want to see world leaders do everything in their power to make this world a better place for women and girls.

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