Sign to Prevent Dogs Dying in Hot Cars

The Western Pennsylvania area has seen its fair share of 80+ degree Fahrenheit temperatures in recent weeks. With soaring outdoor temperatures, your car's internal thermometer could skyrocket to 20 degrees higher than the outside temperature in just 10 minutes! Rolling down windows has been shown to have negligible effect on the internal temperature.

Leaving a pet in a hot car can be fatal and, at minimum, causes serious organ damage. Dogs find it particularly hard to cope with high temperatures. They can only cool down by panting and sweating through their paws. The best thing we can do is to commit to not leave our pets in cars.

With the hottest summer on record, and more extreme temperatures to come, according to experts, there has never been a more critical time to take a pledge to never leave your pet in a hot car.

Sign to stand with the Beaver County Humane Society to prevent dogs dying in hot cars. Add your name and spread the word to save lives.

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petitie tekenen
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