Campaign to recognise a very special public servant for decades of good and hard work by awarding Cllr Sheila Peacock with an OBE - before it's too late.

  • van: Justin Hinchcliffe
  • ontvanger: The Rt Hon. Jeremy Corbyn, MP, Leader of Her Majesty's Opposition

Councillor Sheila Peacock (Labour), now an Octogenarian, has been a towering figure in the Labour Party and on Haringey Council. She has also been highly active in residents' groups and has founded several - from pensioners' forums to events to mark the Holocaust. She has, over the years, been quite direct and, as you would expect, fallen out of favour with the various career politicians who use the community as a 'stepping stone' for bigger and better things. Sheila is a mother, grandmother and great grandmother. Her achievements are many and she has made a huge difference to the lives of thousands of local residents--and beyond! Whatever one thinks of the Honours system, surely it was created for people who have dedicated their own time and efforts to voluntarily helping others? Sheila is a retired Head Teacher of a challenging inner-city primary school (declaration: I was one of her many students and, like her, was drawn to politics except I went in another "wrong" direction by signing up to the local Conservatives). It is high time Sheila, who commands cross-party support, is nominated, at the very least for the Order of the British Empire (OBE). We also call on the council leadership at Haringey to award Sheila the civic mayoralty of our council and the Freedom of the Borough. Do support us, and thank you. Justin Hinchcliffe

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