Pledge To 'VOTE&' Help Elect Pro-Equality Candidates!

It will take more than voting to win in the upcoming elections. VOTE& do more to protect democracy and win elections are CRITICAL to the LGBTQ+ equality movement. With a radical Supreme Court that is actively taking away our hard-earned rights, we must do everything in our power to keep the White House and win pro-equality majorities in the U.S. Senate and U.S. House, and elect pro-equality candidates across federal, and your state and local elections.

That's why we're asking all of our supporters to make a commitment right now to…

Vote& register others to vote.
Vote& volunteer on a campaign.
Vote& support pro-equality candidates.

Sign-up and we will provide you voting resources including key deadlines you and your friends need to vote in your state plus ways for you to help elect pro-equality candidates. It all starts now, with you. Take the pledge and we'll win this together.

Do you identify as part of the LGBTQ+ Community?  Are you concerened about the relentless attacks on our civil rights by right wing politicians who's focus is to make us disappear?  Now you can do something about it!  Show Up With Pride this summer and together fight back with the nation's largest civil rights organization fighting for queer rights. Join us!

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