Sign now to #EndYouthHomelessness

Every year, over 4 million young people experience homelessness, and 1 in 5 are trafficked. The Runaway and Homeless Youth and Trafficking Prevention Program has been a necessary bridge for our youth and it is key in addressing the unprecedented need for safe and stable housing and supportive services for homeless youth.

The Runaway and Homeless Youth and Trafficking Prevention Reauthorization Act (RHYTPA) of 2023 provides essential services for homeless youth:

  • Improves services for youth facing or experiencing homelessness
  • Extends the allowable length of stay in Basic Center Programs from 21 days to up to 30 days
  • Resolves the "20-bed rule" by providing flexibility on the number of allowable beds
  • Increases age eligibility for transitional living services to the age of 25 and extends services to survivors of sexual abuse or trafficking
  • Preserves and expands prevention and trauma-informed services
  • Authorizes over $350 million per year for services for youth

We need decision makers in Washington D.C. and statehouses across the country to join the movement to end youth homelessness. Sign now to advocate for the passage of this vital legislation!
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