Prevent Malice Acts of retaliation & Discrimination due to Low-income to medium income disadvantages.

The issue is simple as day, the families and individuals with lower incomes to meduium incomes ie those on SSI, County or State Aide or awaiting or invovlved in any other government funding or resources & Outsourcing Agencys .Due to not bieng amongst the waelthy in this city or apart of the "original " last names of the Family there in Orick Such as the HUffords. Whom Belive to and of shown countless acts of " using thier higher auhtorities and privlages per thier wealth stature to coherse or bully local residents and buisnesses alike. We offer support and help of the facts and options to recieve resources to help fight against them legally, and get the cases Heard on individual basis not the same factual ones defining the outcomes today.
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