Stand Up for Equality and Opportunity

In the two years since Americans decisively voted for change, the voices of partisanship, division and the unsustainable status quo have gotten louder.

But despite the hostility, we are still one nation, united around a vision of hope and opportunity for all. This notion of putting Americans back to work and providing quality education and training so everyone has a shot at the American Dream is still the mainstream and still worth fighting for.

On October 2, One Nation Working Together will lead a march on Washington to stand up for the core ideals of our country: equality and opportunity.

Join the movement to pull America back together, put Americans back to work and chart a bold, pragmatic path to build a stronger future for our country.

To be part of the movement for one nation you can:
- Join thousands of Americans in the march on Washington
- Attend an event or rally near you
- Spread the word about the march and movement through your social networks
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