Please Stop Countless Hours of Hunting & Torture of Wildlife

  • van: ginger nielsen
  • ontvanger: George Meyer, Executive Director, Wisconsin Wildlife Federation
Bears, bobcats, coyotes, foxes, raccoons & rabbits are put in 60 acre plus enclosures (15 for rabbits) to be hounded by up to 18 dogs 16 hours a day, every day of their lives until they are insane or dead.
Bear cubs & bobcats are kept in small cages for 72 hours so that they can be taken to enclosures to be suspended just above dogs lunging at them - again 16 hours a day every day of their lives. 
People pay to do this - families go together.  Also the "hunters" have devised a rolling cage & want to put all of these species into it to be attacked directly by the dogs. 
So far they are allowed to put raccoons in the roll cages - again 16 hours a day every day of their lives.
George Meyer and the Wildlife Federation are behind this. Also, there is no money or required oversight to monitor this - so it is self reporting & no monitoring.  Neighbors have reported anonymously because they are afraid - they have found dead animal carcasses thrown over the fences of these enclosures and their children have had to watch the cruelty of dogs ganging up on wildlife.
Because of Easter weekend , they are not voting on the rules until the week after Easter. We need to act fast!
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