Demand an investigation into Trump’s hush money to Stormy Daniels!

  • van: OD Action
  • ontvanger: The Department of Justice and Federal Election Commision

The lies just keep unraveling in the knot surrounding Trump's affair with Stormy Daniels, and the only thing that's clear is that the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and Department of Justice (DOJ) absolutely must investigate whether candidate Trump broke the law.

In October 2016 and a month before the election, Daniels received $130,000 in hush money from Trump's lawyer, Michael Cohen, to keep her from going public with the affair. Trump repeatedly denied any knowledge of the transaction until his lawyer Rudy Giuliani told the world on Fox News that Trump personally paid Cohen back.

To see the cover-up, one must only read the writing on the wall.

Election law dictates that any money spent to influence an election on a candidate's behalf is subject to a $2,700 limit and disclosure requirements...both of which were broken then lied about by Cohen and Trump.

No one is above the law, not even the president. We deserve a full, transparent investigation by the FEC and DOJ to determine whether Trump, Cohen, or the election campaign broke federal election rules.

Add your name to demand a full investigation into Trump's hush money for Stormy Daniels.

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