Demand Animal Abuse & Cruelty Registry in Alaska

  • van: Sue Lee
  • ontvanger: Alaska State Legislators

There would be many benefits to an animal abuse and cruelty registry as a means of protecting all critters without a voice.  Such a registry would aide law enforcement agencies as a method of tracking animal abusers. Although there have been talks about implementing such a registry in Alaska, no such program currently exists.  You can read about some animal issues in Alaska at and how to get some help at

In existence are registries for child abusers, abusers of elders and the sex offenders, yet animal abusers continue to abuse.  Any people who abuse animals as well as children and the elderly who are pretty much defenseless are those without respect for life and humanity. An animal abuser is more likely to escalate into harming any human including neighbors, friends and peers.  It has been proven that there is a definite link between abuse of animals and violence towards humans.

Although there are other animal abuse issues in Alaska, the most common concern is with sled dog animal cruelty. When it comes to sled races, sometimes the dogs are forced to run at exhausting and demanding speeds daily without any regard to the well-being of the animals.  Many of these dogs suffer from dehydration, spine injuries, heart attacks, muscle deterioration, pneumonia and more.   Anyone who is found guilty of animal abuse and cruelty should indeed be held accountable and placed on a proposed animal abuse registry.  This will be a necessary tool in protecting animals statewide and hopefully eventually on a national level.

Our efforts in this petition is to encourage the Alaska State Legislators to implement an animal abuse and cruelty registry as effective as the sex offenders registry that will work in protecting animals from harm, cruelty and neglect.  Such a registry would be a voice for the voiceless and be a preventative in repeat abuse.  You can help us in our efforts by signing and sharing this petition.  We need to ban together on a state-to-state basis until all are on board and a national abuse registry goes into effect.  We will not quit until such is the case!!

Alaska State Legislators – Animal abuse and cruelty is a crucial issue that continues putting voiceless critters in regular danger.  Creating an animal abuse and cruelty registry would be a first important tool in protecting those without a voice in your state of Alaska.  Just as registries for sex offenders, child and elderly abuse registries, an animal cruelty registry would be as effective. Anyone who abuses a poor defenseless animal is someone without any respect for life and humanity. It has been proven that such a crime on an animal would often lead to victimization of humans.  An animal cruelty registry would stop repeat cruelty and also help prevent possible abuse in owning or caring for those without a voice.  People that are on an animal cruelty registry should be prevented from any future lifetime interactions or ownership of any animals.

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