We the undersigned:

Completely oppose plans by the Metropolitan Police to base its Olympics operational centre on Wanstead Flats in 2012.

Completely oppose the dangerous precedent the City of London Corporation proposes to set by attempting to amend the Epping Forest Act of 1878, which protects Wanstead Flats and the whole of Epping Forest from enclosure and development, so that the police%u2019s plans can be pushed through.

Demand a proper explanation about how Wanstead Flats was chosen over the Olympic site itself and why there has been absolutely no consultation with local residents.

Corporation of London,

We the undersigned:

Completely oppose plans by the Metropolitan Police to base its Olympics operational centre on Wanstead Flats in 2012.

Completely oppose the dangerous precedent the City of London Corporation proposes to set by attempting to amend the Epping Forest Act of 1878, which protects Wanstead Flats and the whole of Epping Forest from enclosure and development, so that the police%u2019s plans can be pushed through.

Demand a proper explanation about how Wanstead Flats was chosen over the Olympic site itself and why there has been absolutely no consultation with local residents.

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