Demand Country of Origin Labeling for Dairy Products

Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) was just applied to fruits and vegetables so you know where your produce is coming from. Efforts are currently being made to include COOL laws for dairy products. We'd like to help support the effort by gathering signatures. Together we can insist that country of origin labeling is applied to dairy so we know where our milk is coming from. (Did you know that some of our milk and milk protein powder comes from China? Until they have a better track record for safety, we'd like to be sure it's labeled clearly so consumers can make their own choices.)
Please also consider signing our sister petitions:
Asking politicians for farmer support until fair pricing is in place:

Asking politicians to adopt a new, fair pricing system for milk:

Thanks for your support!
We, the undersigned, hereby request that US Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack and President Barack Obama insist that Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) is expanded to include dairy products.
Some of our milk and milk protein powder comes from China and other countries with less strict health standards. Until they have a better track record for safety, we'd like to be sure it's labeled clearly so consumers can make their own choices.
Our USDA did a fabulous job of including COOL laws for fruits and vegetables. Please include dairy products in this important labeling effort.
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