Dear Sir, it has come to our attention that there is a case currently under investigation by your office involving a Rock County Judge, August Schuman. We understand based on news reports of this story, that the case involves the deaths of 100 cows or more, possibly by starvation. Here is a link to the news story;


We are petitioning you in hopes that you will conduct a full and fair investigation and if the evidence warrants it, we pray for strict enforcement of your cruelty laws and for the harshest punishment allowed under your laws.

Signers here is the telephone # for the Nebraska Attorney Generals Office where you can call and let them know we are keeping a close eye on this case; (402) 471- 2682

We find it reprehensible that a person of his caliber could be in any way involved in such cruelty and would hope that if proven guilty, he would be subject to increased punishment for his involvment in such a crime as a abuse of office by a publc servant.

We will be keeping an eye on this case and hoping that justice for the animals will out.
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