Gather up 800,000 people for driving to set up AIDS Museum%uFF01

  • por: Chang Kun
  • destinatário: AIDS HUMAN RIGHTS WORLD
Gather up 800,000 people for driving to set up AIDS Museum%uFF01%u6211%u4EEC%u76F8%u4FE1%u53EF%u4EE5%u53EC%u96C6800%uFF0C000%u4EBA%u652F%u6301%u5EFA%u7ACB%u827E%u6ECB%u75C5%u535A%u7269%u9986


Please recommend more ways to gather up more people! %u8BF7%u63A8%u8350%u66F4%u591A%u53EC%u96C6%u65B9%u5F0F%u3002



800,000 Campaign official website%uFF1A


Facebook group :





December 1st, 2008, on World AIDS Day, we have %u201CHunger Strike for AIDS%u201D


December 10th, 2008, on World Human Rights Day, we believe we can gather up 800,000 people for driving to set up AIDS Museum .


This is a popularization of AIDS science%u2019s campaign.


This is an anti-discrimination and Human rights%u2019 campaign.


This event will change the countless people%u2019s life.


This event will be difficult, but it can make great progress of World AIDS Campaign.


All those who have been involving in the campaign for theirs behaviors and actions will be always honored and pride for themselves!


All those who put up with the world's AIDS epidemic and its impact on all of the people will be encouraged by this behaviors and actions !


 June 1, 2007, we said that we want to promote the establishment of AIDS Museum. Chang-Kunl has been doing this for 15 years. Since three years before, his life has been dedicated to the cause of AIDS, " Devote my life to the AIDS prevention and care work%uFF01" is his steadfast commitment.























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