Get Acro Gymnastics in the Olympics

On behalf of all U.S.A. Acrobatic Gymnasts, I respectfully request your support to get Acro Gymnastics in the 2012 and future Olympic games. It is our intension to show the International Olympic committee that Acro Gymnastics will prove to be a tremendous asset to the Olympic games.

The United States of America is the proud home of several of the world's best at the discipline of Acro Gymnastics. This sport has grown tremendously worldwide with an estimated 250,000 clubs. Recently, the USA Gymnastics named two time World Acrobatic Gymnastics Champions Shenea Booth and Arthur Davis to the USA Gymnastics Hall of Fame recognizing them for their accomplishments and contributions to gymnastics. The U.S.A. is also home to the current World mixed pair silver-medalists Kristin Allen and Michael Rodrigues of Livermore, Calif. The 18th International Acrobatic Gymnastics Tournament was held in Vinnitsa(UKR), February23-28, 2009 hosting 20 countries and 300 participants. The Maia International Acro Cup was held March 4-8, 2009 in Maia, with 23 delegations with 203 athletes in participation. In July the USA Gymnastics will host the International Freedom Cup for Acro Gymnastics in St. Paul, Minnesota. The Freedom Cup will feature more than 160 athletes from 12 countries including Belgium, France, Germany, Portugal, Russia and the United States in four divisions. The U.S. Junior Olympic Acrobatic Gymnastics National Championships will be held in conjunction with the Freedom Cup. These Athletes train between 15 and 30 hours a week, Exhibiting unmatched strength, flexibility and artistry. Acro Gymnastics has proven to be exciting to watch as well unparallel in fan amazement to the skill of the Acrobatic gymnasts. These Athletes have trained along side artistic gymnasts with equal dreams of someday being Olympians. The time has come for the U.S.A. elite Acrobatic Gymnasts to be given the chance to live their dream of being Olympic Champions.

The United States of America is the proud home of several of the world's best at the discipline of Acro Gymnastics. This sport has grown tremendously worldwide with an estimated 250,000 clubs. Recently, the USA Gymnastics named two time World Acrobatic Gymnastics Champions Shenea Booth and Arthur Davis to the USA Gymnastics Hall of Fame recognizing them for their accomplishments and contributions to gymnastics. The U.S.A. is also home to the current World mixed pair silver-medalists Kristin Allen and Michael Rodrigues of Livermore, Calif. The 18th International Acrobatic Gymnastics Tournament was held in Vinnitsa(UKR), February23-28, 2009 hosting 20 countries and 300 participants. The Maia International Acro Cup was held March 4-8, 2009 in Maia, with 23 delegations with 203 athletes in participation. In July the USA Gymnastics will host the International Freedom Cup for Acro Gymnastics in St. Paul, Minnesota. The Freedom Cup will feature more than 160 athletes from 12 countries including Belgium, France, Germany, Portugal, Russia and the United States in four divisions. The U.S. Junior Olympic Acrobatic Gymnastics National Championships will be held in conjunction with the Freedom Cup. These Athletes train between 15 and 30 hours a week, Exhibiting unmatched strength, flexibility and artistry. Acro Gymnastics has proven to be exciting to watch as well unparallel in fan amazement to the skill of the Acrobatic gymnasts. These Athletes have trained along side artistic gymnasts with equal dreams of someday being Olympians. The time has come for the U.S.A. elite Acrobatic Gymnasts to be given the chance to live their dream of being Olympic Champions.

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