Eric Calisto Should Have His Own Reality Show!

  • por:
  • destinatário: If we collect 500,000 Signatures we will send it directly to MTV!
Eric Calisto is a 17 year old senior in highschool who is in the process of creating his own website. He always enjoys making people laugh and meeting new friends. He has a brother named Adam Calisto who is a soon to be famous rapper. His music can be found at and he has a friend named Tanner Shanks who is one of the most viewed webcams on If you think they would make a great reality show together, sign this petition. 500K signatures and its going straight to MTV and various production companies!
We the undersigned feel that Eric Calisto should receive a season of his own reality show. Following his daily activities as he creates the next big website and the comical situations that arise in the process. He will work with his brother, Adam Calisto, who is working to established a career in the music industry. We feel this combination of entertainers would go great on a reality and could really create a strong viewing audience.
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