Save Hailey from Fraudulent adoption agency through California's Family Courts

 Adoption Agencies in California are notorious for stealing children from their fathers while taking thousands upon thousands of dollars from potential adoptive parents. They do this all while using trickery and lies against the rightful parent to lay claim to children who have capable and loving families that want and care for them.
This is just another example of how devious this child trafficking system is. Anthony is the rightful parent to this child, yet has been denied the right to raise her as his own daughter because of the trickery of the adoption agency, the birth mother, and the adoptive parents have paid to own her. He was tricked and now denied access to his own child without due justice.

This is child trafficking through CPS agencies and the California family courts for pure profit. They gave him visiting rights and the child has bonded with her true family members, and now they have fraudulently deemed him unfit by claiming his household wasn't up to standard when they never even came to check. They exterminated his parental rights based on a lie! No one EVER came to his house to see if it was fit, yet that is the excuse that the 'retired'  judge made in this case. .

We demand JUSTICE for Hailey and her father. We the people will NO LONGER TOLERATE these fraudulent proceedings. Anthony Lingle can prove every allegation against him is false! This baby needs her daddy, please sign this peition and save babdy Hailey from a life without her loving father!

We demand JUSTICE in the case. The allegations are false and we can prove our side. The judgement is false based on false evidence from a 'retired' judge in the fraudulent child trafficking adoption CPS scam via the California Family Court System for pure profit to the adoption agency. Based on the facts, we know this isn't right. We demand a retrial with a judge who isn't 'retired and working with enemy.'  We demand Justice for Hailey and her father based on the facts!

Here is the story written by the father himself:

On Jan. 1, 2010 my daughter was born, her name is Hailey. She was taken at birth by the prospective adoptive parent%u2019s right after birth. It was kept secret from me that she had even had the baby. When I went back to court I was informed that the case was being transferred to Placer County because that was where the adoption was taking place. I requested the judge order a DNA test which came back 96.9%.

I got an attorney, I have spent $80,000.00. I lost my attorney due to cost. During all this time it came out that the perspective adoptive parents were getting a divorce. Now the perspective adoptive mother is trying to do it as a single parent. Back when they were together the judge deemed me as unfit because I had a drug problem in my past but have sense completed the Salvation Army%u2019s 12 month live in program and have been clean for almost 7 years. I had a problem long before I ever even met my daughter%u2019s mom.

One of the reasons the judge decided that it would be best if they raised my daughter was because there was two of them and only one of me. When the judge was told about the divorce he put a stay on his decision until he could find out details

.A deposition was done with the perspective adoptive parents and the facts of why he was divorcing her came out. She had been cheating on him with six different people sense the court hearings had started, two being women and four guys. One of the guys was their best man in their wedding. She also has a 215 card for anxiety.

I was given visitation of my daughter when she was five months old. I see her every Tuesday and Thursday two hours each day. And have not missed one of them. on May 2st 2011 Angus Saint Evvens gave a post judgment order to terminat my rights say i am incapable of the role of a parent.I am unsure of what will happen. I pray I do not lose my daughter. I was appointed an attorney by the courts.

They want to take away my Rights to be Hailey%u2019s father, they say I%u2019m unfit. I did drugs for 12 years and got into a lot of trouble during my addiction. I have been clean for 6.5 years. The courts deemed me a %u201CKelsey S Father%u201D.

My attorney told me I don%u2019t stand a chance, if I had 20 years clean, maybe but 6.5 years I am not sure. One parent with a record in the past %u2013VS- One parent with no record, And what has change with the other party. She is my daughter, I Love her with all my heart. She was 5 months old when I first laid eyes on her. She is my heart, she is my daughter. I never turned my back on her. I believe I should be able to raise my daughter but at this point I do not know what is going to happen.

This case is very unique due to the fact that there has never been a divorce while in the middle of an adoption. I do not believe there is any reason I should lose my daughter, I have wanted her sense the beginning.

I would like to get my story heard because I feel it may be the only way I might be able to get my daughter, And be apart of her life not a weekend father etc. I feel like the judge in my case is not making very good decisions and hope that someone might agree with me that could help make that difference. Whoever reads this please pray for us. there is something wrong here and need to be look at. what this judge is doing is not fair in any way i have all the paper work to show.

i will not stop till someone looks at what has happen here, this should have never got to this point.

Thank you for your time,


Anthony Lingle, Hailey's true family~

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