Schools, Adopt ADHD Training/Sensitization for Teachers and Staff

  • por: ADHD Parents, Concerned People
  • destinatário: President of the U.S., President Obama, U.S. Department of Education, Gemma Weiblinger of NIH, UNESCO, Ministry of Education UAE, Ministries of Education Europe

ADHD students are faced with a multitude of challenges in their school lives. The overwhelmed teacher first notices the ADHD symptoms, which then leads the parent to test his child.   The child is then put on medication, so as not to disrupt in the classroom.    

Some parents may not want to put their child on drugs, sometimes it is the only way their child may continue attending school; others see it as a helpful tool to get their children to succeed and be productive.  Each parent chooses the pathwhich suits them best.

There is however , a common denominator among all parents of Adhd children:  It is that they want to be understood by the school system and have their child be treated as the sensitive , intelligent human being he/she is.

   ADHD requirements in school are about caring, understanding and offering a nurturing setting for the ADHD child. The teacher must know what to expect from the child and what difficulties the child has to face each school day.  The teacher has to be on the same "wavelength" as the parent, and the parent has to know that the teacher is well-informed enough on ADHD to make sure that the child is not going to "fall through the cracks."  This also helps the parent not lose their sanity by explaining and reexplaining their child's needs year after year to a different set of teachers, and to any teacher that might be replaced during the year.

We, as parents, understand the frustration teachers have experienced.   They are the ones who spend all the time teaching the students.  

More teachers are becoming interested year by year to learn about Adhd because they want to help their students.  

And the ones who get this education/training are beginning to see that it is not only the accommodations in the classroom but also the emotional support they give to those children that will help them succeed.  They know that writing negative remarks on a notebook or being sarcastic to the child infront of his peers in the classroom will only add to their slowly building defense mechanisms, and will gradually begin to disengage from school and finally give up. 

Sign this petition to save children from feeling discouraged, to stop them from giving up, to secure them a place in this world, and to allow teachers to see the shining souls they are.  

Once this understanding between parent and teacher is reached (through education) and once schools establish a plan to deal with ADHD students in order to better include them in the classroom, keep a counselor, and look for their welfare, then the child will feel he is well taken care of and will want to attend classes, do well, etc.  

SIGN!!  Save a life from chaos and disappointment, so that schools can better produce successful, confident human beings with positive life goals.

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We the undersigned do hereby ask for the enforcement of school policies in regards to the general attitude towards ADHD students among teachers and staff

At school, an ADHD child is suspected and then diagnosed; after  diagnosis, the parent is faced with the decision to medicate or not.  Some children showing these symptoms are being discriminated against and are not being well treated by the school system.  This affects their well-being, in turn influencing their studies and their willingness to listen to the teachers. In turn, this has an effect on life at home, because parents have to hear what bad things his child is doing at school,  etc. Teachers do their best, but reach a point where they cannot go further. Parents of ADHD children need support, outside and inside school.  It's time to make sure that ALL schools adopt a training for their staff and teachers (training for the principal and key administration is highly recommended) so they can be more sensitive to an ADHD child's needs, thereby knowing exactly what to do in school and resolving problems directly in school.  We know more about ADHD than we ever have before, and it is time for parents have confidence in the school system.

 This will also help the school as a whole. It will instill a spirit of compassion and harmony, starting with the system's main role models and caretakers: teachers and principals.

   A one hour first 'group session' at the direction of a psychiatrist (with the possibility of discussion at later sessions during training days) would be a very welcome step forward.  


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