Americans Against More Federal Taxes

Dear Fellow Americans,

Once again, Congress is preparing to pass more legislation that will result in more taxes being paid by the hard working men and women of America.  Congress is on an unprecedented spending spree and we need to speak out with one voice against this continued assault on the American tax payer! 

Congress's latest proposed tax hike is H.R.  4439, the so-called "Tobacco Tax Parity Act of 2010."  This bill raises the federal excise tax on pipe tobacco by 775%.   This means that those that buy and sell tobacco will be forced to pay more of their hard-earned money to the federal government. 

Additionally, this bill will have a significant impact on Native Americans that sell pipe tobacco.  Like the sale of most tobacco products made by Native Americans on their lands, the tribal taxes associated with the sale of pipe tobacco help fund essential governmental services such as educational facilities, roads, and burial services for tribal members.   

This legislation was introduced by two democrats, Rep. Steve Cohen (from Tennessee) and Rep. Lloyd Doggett (from Texas). 

Sign our petition to let these representatives know that this bill should not be passed as the American taxpayer and American consumer has been taxed enough.   

We, the undersigned, believe our federal government is on a spending binge of epic proportions.  Everytime tax payers turn around they are getting saddled with higher taxes--government incursions into the everyday lives of hard working men and women. 

Congress is now considering a bill, H.R. 4439, which will significantly raise the federal taxes on pipe tobacco so that it is taxed at the same rate as cigarettes and "roll your own" tobacco products--that would mean a tax increase of nearly 900%!  Pipe tobacco has been a staple of American and Native American commerce and culture for centuries.  H.R. 4439 threatens to make the cost of this prodcut so exorbitant that it will crush this small segment of the tobacco market and preclude pipe smokers from peacfully enjoying their pipes.  

We urge Congress and the President, in the strongest possible terms, to reject this bill and to refrain from consideration of any other tax bills that threaten the pipe tobacco market.  

Thank you for your time and consideration of this very important issue.    

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