The Stray Animals - and the Convention on the Rights of the Child

We want to remind the European Union of Children's Rights in society and their best interests under the UN Convention.

By exposing children and adolescents to the everyday cruelties of abandoned and homeless animals, and which in many Member States and Candidate countries, be regarded as vermin and therefore considered to be legally treated in the most cruel manner - we believe that the EU and thus certain Member States, violate the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Have your say - Support with your signature for the submitted EU petition:  Convention on the Rights of the Child - and the Stray Animals.

INFO: ESDAW - European Society of Dog and Animal Welfare

We want to remind the European Union of Children's Rights in society and their best interests under the UN Convention.

By exposing children and adolescents to the everyday cruelties of abandoned and homeless animals, and which in many Member States and Candidate countries, be regarded as vermin and therefore considered to be legally treated in the most cruel manner - we believe that the EU and thus certain Member States, violate the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

We believe that the European Union does not take these children's situation seriously, given the nightmarish daily life they are forced to be exposed to by all the atrocities committed by the authorities and citizens - especially in southern and eastern Member States.

We therefore call for the EU to step in and make national and international efforts to help those countries that are unable to conduct ethical animal policies and laws that prevent unwanted animals become abandoned, and thus in the most cruel manner are treated by society.

We demand that the EU instantly, creates common and clear ethical guidelines and fundamental laws for the management of stray animals in all Member States. We also call for economic sanctions against Member States who violate this and hence the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).

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