• por: Karin Pettit
  • destinatário: Michigan State Congressman/Michigan State Representative /Michigan State Senator

Recently a dog with her muzzle taped tightly shut with electrical tape with her tongue caught between her teeth was found in North Charleston South Carolina. The criminal who did this crime, William Leonard Dodson has been arrested but his bail was set at a minimal $50,000 and can only receive a maximum of 5 years in prison. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!! this is a violent criminal who was already out on bond for a gun charge, and who reportedly laughed about the cruel abuse he inflicted on the poor dog. Caitlyn, the innocent dog who suffered at the hands of this monster is recovering slowly at a local shelter. These types of crimes happen every day in every state and MUST STOP! Please sign this petition or start a petition of your own in your state. We must be the voice of these innocent victims!
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