Stop child abuse in Bangladesh

we need to stop child abuse everywhere really but in Bangledesh children have reported 6 types of child abuse. the 6 are: acid attacks against children, sometimes the children get treated differently to adults and get forced into an early marrige, in some instutions children get mentally, physcally, and sexually abused, if you're a girl sometimes when you go out you get shouted abuse at you, if children go to work they get paid very little or they get paid less than adults but if they say something to their employers they will get beaten, sometimes a family will not listen to the childs opinion and treat  the child how they please often the child gets treated how the grown up got treated when they were little. these are all the six ways that children in Bangladesh have reported as being child abuse and i think these are all really nasty thing's that happen if you think that they are nasty as well please sign this petition against it. thankyou for you're time.
we think that to much child abuse in you're country is taking place. together we have signed this petition to show that we need you to change you're country for the better to prevent child abuse. children have reported it as being six different things and they need you're help because without you no one would be able too sort this problem out. please help the poor children in you're country. thankyou for you time.
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