Allow Licensed Mobile Restaurants on arterial and collector streets in the City of Fort Atkinson!

Petition Background (Preamble):

Primetime Towne Fryer, LLC is a licensed mobile restaurant. It adheres to the same ordinances as any “Brick and Mortar” restaurant here in Wisconsin. Besides the food truck, we hold a base license at a building with a commercial kitchen as well.

We have to maintain insurance policies on all vehicles and facilities. We have a mobile food establishment license from Jefferson County. We are currently waiting for an approval for a mobile food establishment license from the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture. We have a Wisconsin State Sellers Permit. Our employees are Serve-Safe certified and I am also a certified kitchen manager, a prerequisite required by law to obtain and maintain these permits and licenses.

We have done every thing asked of us to be a licensed mobile restaurant from Jefferson County. We are also a member of the Fort Atkinson Chamber of Commerce. We love serving this community and we hope to keep doing so in the future on the Main Street Bridge. All we humbly ask is to have ALL licensed food trucks to be able to produce and sell delicious food on collector, arterial streets and the Main st. bridge in Fort Atkinson.

Thank you for your support,

Bonnie Starck

General Manager/Owner of Primetime Towne Fryer, LLC


I, the undersigned, register my opposition to the proposed ordinance prohibiting all licensed mobile restaurants on collector and artieral streets within the city limits of Fort Atkinson. I further ask all licensed mobile restaurants to have the same treatment as brick-and-mortar restaurants.

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