New Zealand: Don't Farm Endangered Birds for Consumption!

  • por: Chris Wolverton
  • destinatário: New Zealand Department of Conservation

New Zealand businessman Roger Beattie wants to change legislation to allow endangered birds such as the kiwi and Maori hen (weka) to be farmed for consumption. He argues that this is the only way to preserve their numbers, as animals raised for their meat never go extinct.

The point of conservation is to preserve the diversity and balance of nature. Farming animals for meat takes them out of their natural environment and turns them into commodities. Over time, species raised for their meat take on different characteristics than their wild counterparts, and are vulnerable to selective breeding and other practices that make their meat more commercial (usually at the animals' expense). 

Beattie's argument to save endangered birds by raising them for meat is self-serving, and is not in the animals' or environment's best interests. He only seeks to make a profit marketing exotic meats. Please sign the petition to urge New Zealand's Department of Conservation to reject Beattie's arguments and to continue their efforts to preserve their endangered species without resorting to cruelty.

As you know, New Zealand businessman Roger Beattie wants to change legislation to allow endangered birds such as the kiwi and Maori hen (weka) to be farmed for consumption. He argues that this is the only way to preserve their numbers, as animals raised for their meat never go extinct.

We believe that the point of conservation is to preserve the diversity and balance of nature. Farming animals for meat removes them from their natural environment and turns them into commodities. Over time, species raised for their meat take on different characteristics than their wild counterparts, and are vulnerable to selective breeding and other practices that make their meat more commercial (usually at the animals' expense). 

Beattie's argument to save endangered birds by raising them for meat is self-serving, and is not in the animals' or environment's best interests. He only seeks to make a profit marketing exotic meats. We respectfully urge you to reject Beattie's specious arguments and to continue your efforts to preserve New Zealand's endangered species without resorting to cruelty. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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