Please support Senator Mac Harb to End the Seal hunt in Canada

Support the Harb Seal Bill!

In 2009, Senator Mac Harb made history by becoming the first Canadian politician to propose a law to end the suffering of baby seals. Through the efforts of people like you, he has already received 578,000 messages of support!

In March of 2010, he re-introduced the bill, and now we need to renew our efforts to flood Canadian Embassies with even more messages of support. Help us reach our goal 825,000 emails and letters: one for every seal pup the Canadian government authorized to be killed in the past 3 years.

Let's show Senator Harb that he has our support. This is a chance to end the hunt forever.

Please email Canada's Ambassador urging his support for the Harb bill and for ending the commercial seal hunt.

Send Letter:

Please sign the Petition and share it with your Friends! Spread the Word! Crosspost to all Networks you are belong to!
we, the undersigend,
writing to urge you to End the cruel Seal Hunt. We support Senator Mac Harb
in his Fight to End the Seal Hunt.

we, the undersigned
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