Don't Lift Ban on Kangaroo Products in California!

  • por: Sam Hagio
  • destinatário: California Legislators

California has banned imported products made from kangaroos for years, but a Los Angeles lawmaker recently introduced a bill that would lift the ban. Under the bill, California would eliminate the word "kangaroo" from its existing ban on products derived from protected animals.

Australia routinely culls certain species of kangaroo, but the proposed legislation would not differentiate between common and uncommon species. California's ban on kangaroo products started in 1971, but has not been in effect for the past eight years. The ban is scheduled to resume in 2016, but not if the new bill is passed.

Please sign the petition to urge California to continue banning kangaroo.

As you know, California has banned imported products made from kangaroos for years, but a Los Angeles lawmaker recently introduced a bill that would lift the ban. Under the bill, California would eliminate the word "kangaroo" from its existing ban on products derived from protected animals.

Australia routinely culls certain species of kangaroo, but the proposed legislation would not differentiate between common and uncommon species. California's ban on kangaroo products started in 1971, but has not been in effect for the past eight years. The ban is scheduled to resume in 2016, but not if the new bill is passed.

We respectfully urge you to downvote the new bill and to continue banning kangaroo products. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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