Tell the EPA: Listen to Native Tribes' Input on Climate Change

  • por: Claire Lacey
  • destinatário: EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson

Tell the EPA not to dismiss Native tribes' input on Global Warming and climate change. Rising sea levels have caused the evacuation of multiple coastal Alaska native villages, and struggling salmon populations have sparked concern from Washington State tribes whose livelihood has depended upon them for generations, among other things.
Tribal leaders from around the country testified on Thursday at a Senate hearing, asking the federal government to aid tribes in dealing with the effects of climate change. "The ocean is important to all of us... It's dying. And who the hell is in charge? Nobody that I see," said Billy Frank Jr., chairman of the Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission. According to Frank, the EPA does not take tribal input seriously enough. "You don't listen to us when we talk," Frank said. "We tell you what has to be done."

Tell the EPA not to dismiss Native input when it comes to climate change. After all, it impacts all of us, and we all deserve to be heard. 

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