The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, or ACTA, was signed by the European Union and 22 of its member states recently. Eight countries, including the United States, signed this last fall.

Called "SOPA light", it is a global treaty that authorizes the policing of the internet and its users, and ultimately, the censorship of it. This would hurt the freedom of expression, civil and digital rights, fair use rights, and the right to privacy.

Strict penalties would be enforced, even prison sentences, for violating ACTA. 

Please sign the petition and tell ACTA supporters to keep the internet free for everyone!

Dear ACTA Supporters,

Please drop ACTA and keep the internet free for everyone. ACTA, called "SOPA light" would violate the right to privacy, the freedom of expression, civil and digital rights, and fair use rights. 

[Your comments here.]


[Your name here.]

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