We are saying NO to a form of abuse that in the pass has not even been considered. The abuse and neglect that is placed  upon the children that have to live without the neccesity of basic utilities such as electric, gas, water because the parent or adult care provider cant afford to pay the bill for the utilities and pay the rent or morgage to provide them with shelter. We are bringing issue to our house Rep Angela Bryant email

Bryantla@ncleg,  Rep G.k. Butterfield email gkb@butterfield  to inform them of the true impact of being a child without the basic utilities in their homes and the sad fact that because of the cost for the services increasing and the status of the parents income staying the same it causes ,depression and the children dont see a way out of the darkness of no utilities into the once again light of a bulb from the usage of electric , nor a drink of water or bath in the tub .its time we take a stand or our children will fall into the darkness of no electricity and want see their way out.
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