Canada: Label Palm Oil

Palm oil is commonly used as a cooking oil( it is sometimes simply labeled `vegetable oil`.)
The main threat to the orangutan and countless other species is deforestation for palm oil plantations.  The orangutans cling to anything left in the clearing, they cannot understand what has happened to their home. The babies are often sold illegally as pets, and their mothers killed, often by plantation owners.

I think we have a right to know what we are consuming, and what we are supporting . Palm oil is found in 1 out of 10 of our household products, from many chips to cosmetics. We have a right to know if it was grown sustainably on land already cleared or not.

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Orangutans are one of the mst remarkale animals in the planet, sharing 97% of our DNA. hey are Asia's only non-human great ape. They are being driven rapidly towards extinction by many factors, but the main one is deforestation for palm oil plantations. Not only does this take away their habitat, it also makes them vulnerable to any one who wishes to kill mothers and take babies for the pet trade.  The people who signed this petition wish to see an end to the decimation of orangutan habitat, to save not only orangutans, but elephants, rhinos, monkeys, gibbons, tigers, etc. Please listen to our voices.

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