PAHS Graduation - No IB Recognition

  • por: Jen B
  • destinatário: Princess Anne High School

My son and many other students have worked endless hours to graduate from High School. My son is part of the International Baccalaureate "IB", Diploma Programme at Princess Anne High School in Virginia Beach, VA. This program is a very rigorous curriculum. Their test scores come back in July and if they passed all their tests they will receive their IB diploma at a ceremony in December. The Administration of the school has elected to remove the phrase "Candidate for IB Diploma" from their June graduation ceremony and furthermore are not permitting the students to wear the IB Stole at their June graduation. These students have earned this distinction. Other local IB programs have medals and/or Stoles that state "IB Programme Candidate" or similar and ARE afforded the privilege to display at minimum that they are indeed a "candidate for IB diploma". I propose that the IB students be permitted to wear the IB Stole and the phrase "candidate for IB diploma" be worn/included in the June 15, 2018 graduation ceremonies. Thank you.

Atualização #26 anos atrás
Thank you for your support. We also had awesome media coverage. Mr. Little, prinicpal,is not budging on “his decision”. My son and and IB student Hannah R met with Mrs. Cox this morning and and received the outcome. We propose still purchasing for Dec since “they don’t have them”. Please continue to sign and share for future IB. On a side note, VERY disapointed the Rude disrespectful way I was treated by Mr. Little. He made leave the premises and placed his hand on my shoulder to “assist” me
Atualização #16 anos atrás
Making progress...I have learned that the Administration will include the phrase “candidate for IB diploma” at this Junes’s graduation; however they still are not allowing the students to wear the IB Stole. The Stole simply has the International Baccalaureate emblem. It DOES NOT state they are a IB graduate. Let’s get that Stole on these well deserving kiddos for June graduation and future IB graduates!!
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