Call For Ban on Cat De-Clawing in Ontario

  • por: Jana DiCarlo

Elective declawing, a painful and debilitating operation, is not an appropriate means of dealing with feline behaviour issues like scratching furniture. Cats are intelligent and can be trained.

No medical conditions or environmental circumstances of the cat owner justify the declawing of domestic cats.

Nova Scotia and now BC are the only Canadian provinces to ban cat declawing, but the practice is outlawed in Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Brazil, the United Kingdom, most parts of Europe and some cities in California.

There is a consensus among the public and within professionals that declawing cats is an inhumane treatment and ethically unacceptable, essentially it is the same as amputating our own fingers at the first knuckle.

Sign to have this request sent to the ONTARIO VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION - calling them to have this practice banned in Ontario as well.

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