Democratic Senators Vin Gopal (Monmouth) and Senator Sarlo (Bergen) wants to subsidize New Jersey horse racing by giving them 100 million dollars per year.
    Horse racing is a dying and dead business that hasn't been financially sustainable in New Jersey for many years.
    While infrastructure and communities are suffering these 2 Senators have made a choice to exploit and possibly kill thousands of racehorses by propping up this industry with millions of dollars.
    It seems that both Gopal-Sarlo is in with the wagering firms and will probably get huge financial personal payouts by introducing this bill.
    The horse racing industry is CORRUPT TO THE CORE just look at Pennyslvania horse racing and it's ongoing record of corruption.
    If you love racehorses if you love animals PLEASE be a voice for the racehorses and/or be a voice for your community.
    This Bill is going backwards, is supporting an antiquated business model that has no part in our society.
    Please sign this petition.
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