Linux port for XING: The Land Beyond

XING: The Land Beyond is a project on Kickstarter (link here) that is now cruising towards success. It has already found adequate funding. The game itself is promising to be a great first-person puzzle adventure game, somewhat similar to the Myst games, with interesting gameplay, beautiful areas and interesting storytelling. There is only one little problem: it is built on the Unreal Engine 3, which means it won't get a native Linux port unless the development team receives Epic Games's blessing. This petition is to prove to Epic Games that we gamers are very interested in a Linux port, in the hope that Epic will decide to help the development team.

Dear Epic Games,

We recently started a petition to show our interest as gamers in a Linux port of the new Kickstarter game XING: The Land Beyond. We would very much hope you could give this game's development team your blessing and help them create a Linux port of their beautifully looking game.

Thank you in advance,

All the Linux users who pledged or have yet to pledge for XING

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