Without this law, convicted animal abusers can obtain animals through legitimate channels and continue to abuse them.  An Animal Abuse Registry Law would post the name, address, and photo of anyone convicted of animal abuse to an online registry.  Pet sellers, shelters, rescue groups, and individuals would have to check the registry before allowing anyone to have an animal.  It would be a crime to turn an animal over to anyone on the registry.

The League of Humane Voters - LOHV - would like to see this law passed locally and at state levels throughout the country.  Your signature gives us more strength when demanding that this law be passed.  Please sign here and visit:

We the undersigned urge our local and state legislatures to pass an Animal Abuse Registry Law.  This law will post the names, addresses, and photos of convicted animal abusers on an online Registry.  Businesses, rescue groups, shelters, and individuals will legally have to check the registry and refuse to transfer ownership of an animal to a convicted animal abuser.

It has been shown that people who abuse animals are likely to repeat their actions.  For the sake of the animals and those who care about their protection, please sign this petition to lend strength to the demands of the League of Humane Voters.

Thank you for your time and compassion.
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