Punish monster that left DOG to hang until it passed away with smile on his face!

  • por: maria seabra
  • destinatário: Chefe da Polícia Civil do Estado de Minas Gerais-http://www.policiacivil.mg.gov.br


Coward! Vitor Silva hanged himself to death a female dog, even though it was being filmed. Although surrounded by several people, nobody did anything to help the animal named Mel.
The crime occurred on Tuesday morning (05). In the video, the hangman's female dog, said that the animal was in heat. Because of this, she had a "barking that left no one sleep".

The punishment was death by hanging. During the recording of more than one minute, Silva showed quiet and you can even hear a whistle.

the 20-year old man who hanged a dog in rural Iron Hill District was arrested. According to the Military Police Media Oliveira Environment, Vítor Silva was found in his home in Ouro Fino community, where he was under arrest on the morning of Wednesday (6)....

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