Ban importation of shark fins in Canada & support Bill S-238!

In memory of the beloved Rob Stewart.

We demand that the government of Canada ban the importation of shark fins throughout the country and does not support the shark fin trade, which slaughters 73 000 000 sharks each year for their fins. If we put a stop to the import, shark fin soup will no longer be available in restaurants nationwide and we could help save our sharks from extinction. Many shark species have declined up to 99% and we must act to preserve each one of them. Also, 1/3 of open water sharks are facing extinction which is why we must act now. These Apex predators are needed for the health of our oceans and without them, fish and other species would consume all the plankton and we get more than 50 % of our oxygen from these microorganisms and 70% from the ocean.

Passing bill S-238 would mean a healthier environment for all Canadians but also send the message that Canada cares about our wildlife, including the state of our oceans and perhaps inspire other Countries to turn their back on this practice. Shark Finning has been illegal in Canada since 1994 but the shark fin trade is still ongoing. This is an issue worth fighting for because it is our children and the generations to come who will face the consequences if we do not save our sharks from the shark fin industry and start protecting them today.

If all Canadians support Bill S-238 we could make Canada a fin free country and make our environment healthier and cleaner for us and generations to come. Senator Macdonald introduced Bill S-238 which is now in the Senate and with the support of Canadians, we could send this bill to the House of Commons and perhaps make it pass. These days, more people and enterprises are practicing sustainability which is important to save our planet and it is crucial that the importation of shark fins stops to save the precious world that we live in.

We ask that each province and city join in on this fight and request that people ask their local representative to support Bill S-238.

Help me make Canada fin Free by signing this petition and supporting Bill S-238.

Atualização #56 anos atrás
Dear supporters,

This petition has taken a while to grow but luckily the Montreal city council has announced that they do not want to support the shark fin trade anymore, hopefully this will inspire positive action in imposing bill S-238 in the house of Commons. Also, many restaurants have been shut down in the city Montreal and I think that this movement inspired this to happen! This bill is being talked about everywhere and lets continue to spread the word to the whole country!

Atualização #46 anos atrás
Hi everyone,

I have been slow on giving an update on this cause because I did not receive any call back from media and journalists and its been quite discouraging. I will not give up on this cause and I know that our voice matters regardless how many signatures we have. I am working on a campaign to gain more exposure and I hope that it works.

Thank you for all your support,
Atualização #37 anos atrás
Hey guys,

I published an article talking about this petition and the story behind it. Rob Stewart was a dear friend of mine and he inspired me greatly to carry on his legacy.

Please read it and share it! I hope that it helps with the petition.

Link to article:

Atualização #27 anos atrás
Hi supporters,

I am getting an article published on which will talk about shark conservation, this petition and bill S-238! I am waiting for more feedback on journalists but until then, thank you again for your support!

Conservation is the preservation of life on earth and that above all is worth fighting for.
Atualização #17 anos atrás
Dear supporters,

Thank you, we now have more than 1300 signatures but much more is needed. I am working hard to contact the media in order to gain more support but I can't do this without you. Please tell all your friends and family about this cause, petition and Bill S-238. We are all children of earth, if sharks go extinct, we will all suffer the same consequences, let's work together to save our oceans!

Thanks again for helping to carry on Rob Stewart's legacy. More updates to come soon.
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